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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm so thankful today that I don't have to worry about anything!
My Savior has taken that upon Himself and commanded that I do not worry about anything, but instead, call upon His name & ask Him to give me peace... I stand amazed in the fact that He has given me such a gift!

I don't deserve to have that feeling of anxiety be released from me, but God wants to take my burden & make it His, so I can have peace within my soul. Thank You Lord for Your love. Your undeserved love for me.

I struggle with the feeling of anxiety. It doesn't take much, it seems, to make me feel that way. Especially when it's caused because of worrying about people I love so much!

When I discovered the verse in Philippians that says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer & supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God", I cried. It was a huge burden off of my shoulders just to think that the God of this world wants me to talk to Him & pour my soul out to Him & trust Him with it all. He wants me to do this.

This is such an easy fix to a "huge" earthly problem. Thank You Lord for giving me the Holy Spirit to interceed my prayers & allow me to be able to talk to You directly! I love You Father... Your love for me is more than I can fathom.

I feel loved today as I sit in Your presence & allow myself to be released of all anxious feelings. Thank You for taking this from me & making me whole again. You alone, Father, can give peace in exchange for anxiety!

What a beautiful promise You give to me as I read on into the next verse, (Chap. 4 verse 7) that says "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts & minds through Christ Jesus".

I feel it even now. Ahhhhhh....peace.

This kind of peace truly passes all understanding!

This is the God I serve. Master of all. Giver & Creator of peace!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

So many thoughts...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first thought of 2011.

Not very creative, or original, but happy. Sad. Inspiring. Hopeful. So many things all lumped into one socially accepted phrase that can be translated into so many things that define "a new year" for any given person.

On this new, ever-developing 2011 year, I have been pondering so much about my life. God is so good to me. I love to go back & re-read my old journal entries from prior years of my life & submerse myself in my younger, more innocent mind. I love to put myself back into the situation &/or place I was in when I wrote those personal notes to myself.

Sometimes, I'm surprised at how much insight I had. Other times, I laugh at my way of thinking & reasoning.

Makes me wonder while writing this blog entry what others think of what I write... Hmmm.

I guess it's okay no matter what. I write about what's on my heart & it's a way for me to "let it all out". I love my blog. It's a form of me. And, the thing I like about it the most, is that I can't lose it! It's kinda hard to lose a desktop computer (which happens to be where I always blog because it's in our guest room & it's calming to me to be in this room).

Life is such a wonderful adventure. Sometimes it feels scary when I'm in a new territory. Thankfully, my Lord is walking right beside me all the way, gently & lovingly guiding me. Sometimes it's completely full of JOY! Those times are so blissful & a way for God to give us a hug. This is when our Christian walk is going so smoothly one often forgets to stay diligent in prayer & starts to wander from daily time spent with Him. ( I am guilty of this) And sometimes, because of our laziness, idolness & sinful nature, we fall into pits dug by Satan when we give him a foothold. And when our reaction is to try to get out by ourselves, the outcome is bleak & hopeless. But when I realize I am a bismal failure & cannot possibly do ANYTHING on my own, & I reach out to God, I see Him already holding out His hand to meet me where I am.


What a Savior! He deserves so much more than what I give Him. It's amazing to me all that He has given to me & been so abundantly gracious & generous with.

So, as I enter a new year, it is my "resolution" if you will, to walk more closely to my Jesus. I have such a deep longing to know Him more. I want to please Him. I want to serve others. I want to help others see how much they need Him & how much He desires to have a deepening, growing personal relationship with them, & I want to be molded into someone who more closely resembles the only God worth serving.

In church today, we took communion. The Holy Spirit kept bringing to my mind a passage in in 1 Peter that says "Therefore, putting aside all malice & all deceit & hypocrisy & envy & all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord".

Lord, may this passage of Your word be true in my heart today & throughout my life. Let it not be just for the day, or year, or certain length of time. Let it be a permanent condition of my heart & mind. Give me conitnual longing for the meat of your word, God.

So many thoughts...

But for now, these things are prevalent in my mind & heart. Maybe I'm not the only one with these same thoughts, but they are mine just the same. I have so much to ponder today!

And today... today happens to be a beautiful day. One filled with the glory of the Lord. One worth celebrating as God has given this gift of life to me, & to you.

These photos remind me of how big & mighty God is!

And this picture reminds me to enjoy life! =)