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Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is a blog designed to bring God glory & a place to share all that God is doing in my life!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oh, baby baby!

It's been QUITE a while since my last post. And by quite a while, I mean over a year. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess!

So many things have happened in this past year. I am completely overwhelmed at how much God has carried us through & all that He has blessed us with! The main blessing being that my husband & I are expecting our first baby in January!

We are beyond excited & can hardly wait for this little bundle of joy to come & fill our lives. It will be the biggest transition yet in our marriage & lives thus far, & although I can't say we feel prepared, we are completely ready to be parents & experience this wonderful new chapter book in our lives!

Hopefully this blog will morph along with our family & become a place where pictures & events of & in our family will be captured, stored, shared, documented, etc.

Details of our baby: I am 16 1/2 weeks along, & feeling more & more uncomfortable as "baby O" or "Teek" grows & develops. Even though this baby is not even half way through it's gestation, it is amazing to think he/she already has all it's working parts & just needs time to grow bigger & stronger! God's design in creating human life is TRULY amazing!

We lovingly & affectionately call our baby "Teek" for many reasons. Teek is short for Teekvah, which is the Hebrew word for Hope. We chose this name because we had been trying for a baby for 7 months before we found out we were expecting, FINALLY! It was hard on me to wait & be content with where God had us for that long when my heart's desire was to have a baby, but I am so glad He brought me to a place where I truly trusted Him & His timing. All in God's timing... Psalm 18:30 says "His way is perfect"...

We are holding on to that verse as we prepare for a Winter baby in the Midwest. Okay Lord, we believe You when You say Your way is perfect. Trusting. =)

I can feel our baby moving & grooving in utero already! I felt him/her move for the first time on my birthday. It was a GREAT birthday present! It's such sweet blessed assurance of the life that's developing & growing. I LOVE to feel the baby move... It's like nothing else I've ever experienced!

We can't wait for our 2nd Sonogram to see the baby! Our first was at week 6. Still too little to see any physical features or hear a heartbeat, but we were able to see the baby at one of it's tiniest tadpole-esqe stages & see the heart beating... thump, thump, thump, thump. SO COOL!

We decided long ago, way before we talked about trying for a family, that we did not want to find out the gender of our baby. We both love surprises, although I probably more than my husband, but we thought there are so few good surprises in life that are good, that this is one that we could just let be.

The excitement & thrill of waiting till that moment right after he/she is born & the announcement of what the gender is, is what keeps me positive in moments of weakness when I don't feel very good or "just want the baby here now".

We've caught a lot of flack from extended family & friends about waiting to find out the gender, which I think is a bit unreasonable for them to voice their opinions so negatively, but it hasn't swayed or persuaded us to find out. In fact, it's mostly just fueled our fire to wait! (This would be my defiant, strong-willed side coming out) I think it's funny when they ask "How will you decorate the nursery if you don't know if it's a boy or a girl?" & "How on earth will you clothe your child?" & say things like "You do realize people will just get you colors like yellow & green & gray & brown for all your showers, right?"... The list goes on.

My response: We like neutral colors & have no problem buying the basic things in neutrals & just waiting till the baby is here to decorate the nursery to be more gender specific with things that can be changed out easily if we have a different gender baby down the road. We don't want to have to buy all new things anyways for our other future children. Also, we plan on having most of the showers be after the baby is here. It's more fun that way too so others get a chance to hold & meet the baby!

And just what do you suppose our parents & parent's parents did to clothe their children without knowing what gender it is before the baby was born? Hmmm... =)

I guess I just like the "old fashioned way" of doing things. Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Just wanted others to have an idea of our point of view without being haggled for making the choice that we made.

*Note: I in no way am against those who choose to find out the gender of their baby, we might do that for a future child. We have simply just made the decision not to this time around.

Anyways, we are over the moon about welcoming this new, precious little life into our hearts & home! We view it as a gift & blessing from God! Again, I stand in awe of His wonderful creation & the life that He has given me!

Since Teek can hear now, these songs are ones I want him/her to hear... They are things we will instill in our baby's life.